Monday, February 28, 2011

Life with Arden: Weeks 1 & 2

Getting to know Arden Leigh has been so much fun! She is such a good baby and her laid back personality makes her a keeper. It has been a lot more work than I ever imagined but each day gets better and better as we become more efficient. After her first week home, she has had a steady parade of visitors from friends and family and all have fallen in love with her.

Meeting Babe (her Great Grandfather)

Meeting Aunt Susan

Ryan's parents have made the trip several times to come see her

On her first week birthday, we gave her a bath. She didn't seem to mind and looked so content once she was wrapped up in her hooded ducky towel that Mimi bought for her. She looked so precious!

We have already seen her pediatrician twice and so far she have been told she is, "perfect". I pray each day that she will continue to be healthy and grow to be a little more sturdy. At her two week appointment they weighed her at 4lbs. 12oz. We are glad to see that she is growing and notice that she is a lot more hungry, eating 2 oz. every 2.5-4 hours. It may not sound like a lot, but it is quite an increase.

Her sleeping schedule is something to work on. So far, she likes to sleep all day and party all night. Mom and Dad aren't quite into that lifestyle so we looking forward to when she gets it switched around. Luckily, Ryan is off for two and a half weeks which allows us to take shifts at night.

Ryan has been the BIGGEST help and is a terrific dad to Arden. I love to see him hold her and look into her eyes. He is also the best hand around the house cleaning bottles, washing clothes, feeding and burping, changing diapers, cooking dinner, and cleaning up. I couldn't have done it without him!

So small...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Introducing Arden Leigh Frank

On February 9th at 1:59pm, Arden Leigh came into the world at 4lbs. and 10oz. She was a little over 3 weeks early but very healthy!

Here is her birth story...

After finding out that I had severe preeclampsia, my doctor decided that I would be induced the following morning, February 9th.  We showed up at the hospital a little nervous but excited to finally meet her. I was given magnesium sulfate for my high blood pressure and Pitocin to start my contractions around 10:30am. The magnesium sulfate made me feel terrible! Before I knew it they were ready to give me an epidural. My labor was progressing really quickly and my doctor said she should be here by 3:00pm. Around 1:30pm I told Ryan that I didn’t think that my epidural was working because I was in a lot of pain. He called for the nurse and when she checked me out, she told me that the baby was right there and on its way out! She frantically called my doctor and all the other nurses and told me not to push. Everyone ran into my room and rushed to deliver. After pushing a short time, Arden was born and directly placed on my chest. It was love at first sight. I was in awe….

 Welcome to the world Arden!

 Meeting my baby girl

 Daddy meeting Arden

Holding Daddy's heart melted! 

Mimi and Pop

 Proud Grandpa

 Grandma patiently waiting to hold her



Aunt Lisa and Arden finially meet

 Opening her eyes

Taking Arden home

Home Sweet Home

We are having so much fun getting to know our little girl and settling in.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Couple's Baby Shower

A group of our friends put together a Diapers and Wipers Couple's Baby Shower for Ryan and I. Our hosts worked so hard to plan such a great party with an Italian themed dinner. The food was amazing and everyone really enjoyed themselves.

It was a wonderful night spent with over 40 of our great friends and family. We came home with well over 1,000 diapers, 3,000 wipers, and tons of other great gifts for Arden!

We even got to spend the weekend with my mom, Chris, Lisa, and Kyle who came in from out of town. It was so nice having them there!

Center piece

The excited parents to be...

The most delicious cake balls

The Crespo girls

Ryan's parent and my mom

 Diaper Wreath

Friends and Family

Tons of presents