Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School

Ryan, Arden, and I are all starting off a new school shedule this week.

Ryan is teaching Corportate Finance at Univeristy of Houston Wednesday nights this semester, Arden goes to Mother's Day Out for 4.5 hours Monday-Friday, and I'm teaching Touch System Data Entry for three periods. So far, we are handling this new schedule pretty good! Arden and I get home around 1:00 and have all afternoon to play!!

Arden really seems to like her teachers and new playmates, ages 6 months-1 year. Her classroom is called the Busy Bee's and her teachers tell me that she is happy, sweet, and not fussy. She smiles when I drop her off and doesn't seem to miss  me at all when I leave. Ha!

My classes are great so far and I love my new teaching arrangement! It is fun getting back in my classroom. I really do love what I do.

Here are some pictures of Arden's first day of school....

Miss Emily

Mrs. Archie

Here are some of the things that she has done at school...

Riding the Bye Bye Buggie with her class

Her first book

 Here is a sample of a couple pages from he book

She is having a lot of fun at Mother's Day Out!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

God bless this child

Family and friends came from near and far to be there to whitness Ardne's baptism.   It was such a special day for us! Lisa and Kyle are her Godparents and play such a big role.

She was baptised at the same church where Ryan and I were married and wore Lisa's baptisimal gown. Her bonnett was a gift from Mema and her white monogrammed bloomers and bib were from Aunt Pam and Unlce Donnald.  

 Even though she screamed a lot during the prayers, she was calm and content while being baptised.

Afterwards, we hosted a lunch reception at our house. We had a fun party with tons of BBQ, sweet tea, and sweets. Arden got so many pretty gifts too!


This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Arden is 6 months!

Happy half birthday little girl! The past six months have flown by and each month gets better and better as we get to see your little (or I should say big) personality! You are a social butterfly and a very happy baby! We love you so much.

Arden's 6 month stats:
  • 14lbs. 12oz.
  • Typically sleeps from 9:00pm-6:30am
  • Takes 2-3  one to two hour naps a day
  • Takes a paci only before falling asleep

Arden's Firsts:

  • She ate sweet potatoes, apples, peaches, bananas, prunes, and green beans (and liked them all)
  • She spent her first night away from her parents
  • She roles over both ways
  • Babbles more syllables
  • She notices, smiles, and laughs at TJ
  • Had her first virus
  • Mimics what she sees and hears: coughing, smiling, shaking her head from side to side, and waving her arms up and down

Arden's Favorites:
  • Laying on the ground kicking
  • Riding on her dad's shoulders
  • Her Glow-worm
  • Being held in the standing position
  • Looking at the birds mobile in her room
  • Music and people singing to her
  • Watching any kids shows on PBS and Baby Einstein
  • Bath time
  • Sleeping on her tummy

Monday, August 8, 2011

A visit from the Tatum's

 Lisa and Kyle came in for the weekend to visit. It was fun seeing them. Lisa went to a friends baby shower on Saturday, then we headed to the Vintage to try some South African food at Peli Peli.

After dinner, we decided to walk around the Antique Car Show that is held every Saturday night during the summer. They had over 100 antique cars.

They left on Sunday, but not before letting Scooner and TJ play around. Come back and visit soon Lisa and about next weekend??

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Arden's Social Calendar...filled!

Arden has had a fun and busy month playing and socializing. She loves being out and about. Here are some pictures from a few of her outings and play dates.

Arden's first trip to the neighborhood park

Arden had a play date with her new friend Ava who was also a preemie born at 2lbs.

Aunt Tricia, Carol Ann, and their friends came to play

Arden went to Aunt Nancy and Meredith's house to play and swim
(look...they are listening to Meredith's iPod)

Just the two of us

Ryan and I spent nearly 24 hours away from the other two members of our family. TJ and Arden spent the night with Ryan's parents while Ryan and I had they day and evening to ourselves. It was my first time away from Arden, but I was okay with it. I did think of her a lot, but new she wasn't missing me and loving all the attention over at her grandparents.

After dropping off the kids, Ryan took me mountain biking at Terry Hershey Park where he rides his bike on these trails every day during his lunch break. It was not my all! I was horrible at it and kept falling off my bike and adding more and more scratches to my legs and dirt from head to toe. Even though I didn't make it even half way, it was truly a beautiful place alongside a creek completely shaded with large trees.

That evening, we went out to celebrate our friend Justin's 30 birthday party. A group of us went to an Italian restaurant then on to Whiskey River to do some country dancin' and lots of drinking. Ryan and I had a lot of fun celebrating with our great friends!!