Monday, January 31, 2011

Waiting for Arden Leigh Frank to come....

My second trimester has come and gone. Now are the days of wobbling around and waiting for our little bundle of joy to come. I am currently 35 weeks. That means....5 weeks to go!

Our little girl almost arrived a bit too early. After catching the stomach bug from Ryan, I got too dehydrated which put me into labor. I was not ready and neither was Arden weighing only 4lbs. 9oz. After being admitted to the hospital, my doctor was able to give me medicine to stop the contractions. It was a very long couple of days, but I was glad to get back home and remain pregnant for a little while longer.  

(Awefull puffy and in pain :( )

Here are some pictures of my growing belly....

30 weeks

31 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wecome 2011....Goodbye 2010

2010 was a fun and exciting year for our family. We had a lot to celebrate.
Here are some of the highlights of 2010...

I ran my first 1/2 marathon in February at the New Orleans Rock n' Roll Marathon

Lisa and Kyle got engaged (January 2010)

Mom and Chris got engaged (April 2010)

Ryan and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary (June 2010)

Italy Vacation (Florence, Tuscany, Venice, Naples, Capri, and Rome) June 2010

We found out that we are expecting our first baby due on March 6th, 2011 (July 2010)

Mom and Chris got married (November 2010)

Ryan graduated with his MBA from the University of Houston (December 2010)

Mema and Mr. Bob got married (December 2010)

Monday, January 3, 2011

December Happenings

December was full of fun events other than the obvious....Christmas.

Here are a few of the main events:
  1. Ryan graduated from the University of Houston with his MBA
  2. Ryan and I turned the ripe young age of 29
  3. Celebrated Christmas with family
  4. Mema got married to Mr. Bob in a beautiful ceremony in New Orleans
  5. Christine, Kim, and I hosted Lisa's first bridal shower in New Orleans
  6. We brought in the new year with my mom, Chris, Lisa, and Kyle
    Our cookie cake theme this year: Ryan and pregnant Andrea walking T.J.
    Before heading out to dinner with Ryan's parents. I didn't wear the bow to dinner. Can you guess what my present to Ryan was?
    Opening Christmas presents on Christmas Eve before heading to Ryan's parents house.
     T.J.'s crawfish platter that he got from his grandparents
    All dressed up before Mema's wedding
    Lisa and Kyle
    Mom and Chris