Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Meet Professor Frank

Can you believe that this guy will teach Financial Statement Analysis at University of Houston this summer? I am so proud of my young professor husband!

May Happenings...

May has been a busy month for us especially since I went back to work for the last two and a half weeks of school.  Here are some of the events of this month...

We hosted a couples baby shower for our friends Kelly and Chris

    We went to Annalee's 2nd Birthday Party at the park
    We watched the Iron Man Triathalon
    My mom has flown in twice this month to watch Arden while I'm back at work and my Aunt Nancy watched her for four days as well. I am grateful to have family watch her while I had to finish out the school year. It made going back to work a breeze!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Arden is 3 months!

What a big girl! Here are Arden's stats at 3 months:

  • 10 lbs. 12 oz.
  • 22" long
  • Sleeps solid from 9:30pm-7:30am (sometimes even longer)
  • Eats 7-8 oz. four times a day
  • Lots of smiling, laughing,  and cooing

Here are all of her favorite things....
  • Watching the moving mobile on her activity center
  • Hanging her head upside down
  • Her laughing duck
  • Mobile in her crib
  • Watching the fan
  • Watching the trees blow
  • Tummy kisses
  • Air blowing in her face
  • Musical frog attached to her car seat

I am enjoying every moment with her. She is such a good baby and I love her to death!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

This Sunday was my first Mother's Day. I was beaming all day but Mother's Day was not just about me. It was also a day that I celebrated the other important moms in my life (my mom, Ann, Mema, Meem, and Jane).

I hope that Arden feels the same way about me as I do my mom. We have such an unbelievably strong bond...always have. She is my best friend and someone that I have always looked up to and still do. We have been through a lot together...good times and bad, and I know that I'll always have the support and love when I need her. She is the "perfect" mom for me and couldn't lover her any more than I already do. Happy Mother's Day mom!!

Here is how I spent the day:
I woke up and sipped on some coffee, read a magazine, and spent time talking to Ryan. Arden was still asleep at 8:00am and we woke her up! Ryan was so sweet and took care of my most dreaded chore...bottle cleaning!

Ryan gave me a card from Arden with some sweet little messages with directions to open each of the three gifts.

  • Message #1: "Mommy, when I'm a big girl in a few months and you take me to daycare, I want your car to be clean so other kids will like me". So funny!
  • Gift #1: A book of vouchers to get my car cleaned inside and out! Love it!!

  • Message #2: "I also want to make sure you have enough gas to make it back to pick me up!!"
  • Gift #2: Gas card. I have been complaining about gas prices being almost $4.00 a gallon :(

  • Message #3: "I also want you to know when to come get me because I'm going to miss you!! I hid your gift under my crib so go grab it. Hope you like it mommy!"
  • Gift #3: A absolutely gorgeous Cartier Watch! What an unbelievable gift that I'll always cherish. Every day when I wear it I'll look down and remember my first Mother's Day and how special Ryan always makes me feel. *Note: I have never asked for such a gift. This was ALL Ryan. He picked it out and surprised me on his own.

After we got ready, we headed to League City for the first time since Arden was born. Ryan's parents had their annual Mother's Day pool party. It was so much fun spending the day with family on such a pretty day. Arden got to meet Ann's family for the first time.

Arden's grandpa heated the pool to 90 degrees so it would be comfortable for Arden to swim for her first time. He is the best! She liked swimming okay as long as she was in the shade. That girl does not like for the sun to be in her eyes. Ha! We plan on getting Arden in her grandparents pool a lot more this summer.

After all the food, drinks, sun, and visiting we could take, we headed home to relax for the evening. What a great day!

(I left my camara at Ryan's parents house, so I'll add the pictures later)