Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby News: How we found out.

Since we decided to try to start a family this summer, I thought I would schedule a pre-conception meeting with a OB-GYN. I showed up to the pre-conception meeting by myself and thought that I would just be talking to the doctor. At this point, I had a very small suspicion that I could be pregnant. It was just this feeling that I had. The same that my mom felt when she was pregnant with me. I kept it to myself because I just new that things don't happen that easily. I also hate the feeling of disappointment.

After getting into my room at the doctors office, I was asked very brief questions and for a urine sample by the nurse. Humm...I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

As I waited for the nurse to come back in after I had handed over my sample, she finally came back into the room with tears in her eyes. She smiled at me and told me, "You are pregnant!". I was SHOCKED. I asked her, "Really? Really?" several times. I started to cry and she have me a hug. I will never forget that moment.

After the doctors appointment, I knew that my life was changed forever!

I had planned how I would tell Ryan for years now. Here was the plan: Ryan doesn't have any baby/childhood albums and I don't have many pictures of him growing up. I always thought that it would be nice to have one to show our kids someday. His dad gave me a box full of pictures all mixed up several months ago. I knew that I would make a scrapbook/photo album of his life. On the last page, I would let him know that he is going to be a daddy. I had made the scrapbook over the months and Ryan had no idea.

That night, Ryan had a quiz for a class and was really stressed out. I wanted to wait and tell him at the right time when his mind was clear. I figured I would have to wait until the next evening when he got home from work. It just so happened, that Ryan decided to work from home the next day. Perfect.

The next morning when he woke up, I couldn't wait to give it to him. I hated holding this secret! We were sitting on the couch and I told him that I made him something. He was excited as he went through all the pages of his life from birth, childhood, the teenage years, to our first years of marriage. When he turned to the last page, my heart was fluttering. Ryan was shocked when he read the last page. It took a while for it to sink in. He kept asking the same thing that I asked the nurse, "Really? Really?".

We shared a moment. It was an exciting a scary feeling, but we are both thrilled!

Things are definitely about to change.

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